Electricity Line and Cables Dataset

This datasets is a geographical mapping of the routes of the power lines, and cables of the electrical grid in the UK.


Data Provider:

Advanced Infrastructure Technology Ltd

Product Overview

Electricity Lines and Cables is a geographical mapping of the routes of  the power lines, and cables of the electrical grid. This dataset supports the siting of renewable energy sources allowing developers to identify the closest power line or substation ahead of incurring costs.

Electricity Lines and Cables covers all voltage levels across the UK including Extra High Voltage (EHV - 400, 230, 132 kV), High Voltage (HV - 66, 33, 20, 11, 6.6, 3.3, 2.2, 2 kV), and for limited DNOs the Low Voltage (LV - 460, 400, 230 V) levels. Table 5 illustrates the dataset coverage across various voltage levels within each DNO's (Distribution Network Operator) licensed area.

This dataset is compiled from various datasets obtained from the open data portals of DNOs. These datasets have undergone thorough cleaning, error checking, reorganisation, and reformatting to address inconsistencies across all DNOs.

Electricity Line and Cables Dataset

DNOThe DNO responsible for the line or cable-
TypeType of the cable or line in terms of voltage level (EHV, HV, or LV)-
RatingNominal voltage of the networkkV
PhaseExisting phases of the cable or lineL1, L2, L3 etc
ActivityStatus of the network (e.g., In service, Abandoned)-
LengthLength of the cable or line in metrekm
Circuit IDUnique identifier for a circuit-
Mounting DesignOperational status of the cable or line (Overhead/Underground)
SpecificationLines or Cables conductor group’s specification representing number of wires, material, etcExample: 22kV .3 x3C Cu
MaterialThe material of the line-
Cross Sectional AreaThe area of the wire perpendicular to the direction of current flowmm2

Visualise Data in LAEP+

  • Explore granular level data on the interactive map

  • Filter data to identify project suitable sites

  • Combine and overlay with other energy, transport, building stock, or heat datasets

  • Create custom reports and share with others

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Dataset Key Features

Available in CSV & API. Other formats may be available on request

UK coverage

Extra High Voltage, High Voltage and Low Voltage levels.

How to Buy Our Products as a Public Sector Customer

Save time and costs by purchasing datasets directly through the G-Cloud 13 framework.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is LAEP+?
What's the difference between a LAEP and LAEP+ ?
How reliable is the  data within  LAEP+?
Can I add my own data to LAEP+?
What is the geographic coverage of LAEP+?
Will I require training to use LAEP+?
How do I know my data is secure?
How can Local Authorities utilise Electricity Line and Cables Data?
How can Renewable Energy Developers utilise Electricity Line and Cables Data?
How can Construction and Engineering Firms utilise Electricity Line and Cables Data?
What is a local area energy plan?
Why is a Local Area Energy Plan important?
What are the stages of a local area energy plan?
Is there funding available for local area energy plans?

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